“Children of Fallen Patriots has aided me immensely in my pursuit of a college degree. Thanks to Fallen Patriots, I was able to earn a bachelor’s degree in Sports Management from a great university, Southern Methodist University. Without their help, I would not have been able to achieve this goal of mine. Not only am I grateful for the financial aid that Children of Fallen Patriots has provided, but the support they have shown my family and I in how they honor my father’s sacrifice. The Foundation has connected me with other children of fallen soldiers and has shown me so much kindness and love. They have made an immensely positive difference in my life and I know they are doing the same for so many others.”
- Boston Gilbert, Son of U.S. Air Force Major Troy Gilbert
While our nation is not actively at war, the echoes of
previous conflicts continue for children of fallen servicemembers. With a projected $300 million shortfall over the next 20 years, CFP requires over $150 million in the next four years alone to support Gold Star children affected by the severe losses in Iraq and Afghanistan. These students are now of college age and rely on CFP’s help to bridge the gap between government assistance and the actual cost of their education.
While our nation is not actively at war, the echoes of
previous conflicts continue for children of fallen servicemembers. With a projected $300 million shortfall over the next 20 years, CFP requires over $150 million in the next four years alone to support Gold Star children affected by the severe losses in Iraq and Afghanistan. These students are now of college age and rely on CFP’s help to bridge the gap between government assistance and the actual cost of their education.
Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation has provided over $70 million dollars in scholarships and other assistance to over 3,500 children of fallen service members
since 2002.
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Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation has provided over $70 million dollars in scholarships and other assistance to over 3,500 children of fallen service members
since 2002.
Enroll Now