Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation depends on contributions, from programs like the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), to continue to help fund and support the children of our fallen heroes. CFC, the world's largest annual workplace charity campaign, is a leading contributor in the donations we receive throughout the year. We are grateful for every pledge we receive from Federal civilian, postal and military donors.

The mission of the CFC is to promote and support philanthropy through a program that is employee focused, cost-efficient and effective in providing all federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all.

Partnerships with nonprofit organizations, including Fallen Patriots, are a core part of the CFC structure. The charities supported through the CFC range from nascent community groups to large, well-known charities.

To request a CFC Charity List and/or a pledge form, please contact your local CFC office. The Campaign Locator will assist you in identifying the CFC office where your official duty station is located.

There are almost 200 CFC campaigns throughout the world raising millions of dollars each year. Pledges made during the campaign season, September 1st to December 15th, support eligible non-profit organizations that provide health and human service benefits throughout the world.

Fallen Patriots has earned the “Best in America” seal of approval by Independent Charities of America (ICA). During Workplace Campaign Fundraising Season, donations made go directly to Children of Fallen Patriots.

As a member of ICA, Fallen Patriots is excited to be able receive corporate matching gifts. When we receive a financial gift from a donor, their employer directly matches the gift. If you wish to use corporate matching gifts, it’s simple, just include who your employer is when making a donation. To donate, please use our exclusive donation page:

Fallen Patriots is proud to be eligible for CFC contributions. Donors continued dedication, in ways ranging from financial support to creating awareness, has helped us continue to fulfill our mission.

We invite you to make a difference by contributing to CFC this holiday season.