Fallen Patriots scholar Skyler K. is the daughter of Navy Lieutenant Joel K. Skyler is a freshman at the University of Southern California where she is studying International Relations. When asked what her future career goals are, Skyler says “ I aspire to become part of the United States Foreign Service as a diplomat or to work for the UN as a Human Rights Officer.”
Skyler says that her father’s service is a testament to his selfless nature and that she is proud to know that her dad passed away in the pursuit of making the world a better place. Skyler says that family and friends described her dad as a person that was always happy. “He was someone who lit up a room every time he entered. He was the kind of person that people admired and aspired to be not only because he was amazing at his job, extremely smart, and successful, but because he was kind and constantly put others before himself.”
Fallen Patriots is assisting Skyler while she pursues her Bachelor’s degree debt free. “Receiving a scholarship from Fallen Patriots has allowed me to pursue unique opportunities that I never imagined I would have. I have also been humbled by the countless people that have reached out to assist me and have been so willing to honor my dad's service. “
There are approximately 25,000 children who have lost an active-duty parent in the military over the last 35 years. The vision of Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation is to ensure that every such child receives all necessary college funding.